Save the Date

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Holly is a classmate of mine from Dearborn High School. Her father passed away from ALS, and now she is deeply involved with ALS fundraising and passionate about finding a cure. She has graciously offered to host a golf tournament in my honor. If you are from Florida or are planning to be in the area, please consider attending the tournament. If you are unable to attend, please consider donating to the cause. Half of the donations will be going to my neighbors, Massachusetts General Hospital, who tried to help me defeat ALS. The other half will be going to Holly’s neighbors at the University of South Florida research. I can’t tell you enough about the good things the people of Dearborn have done in my fight. Holly is another great example of these good people. If you’re interested, please contact her at 727-218-3604.

One thought on “Save the Date

  1. Pingback: Save the Date! A White Coat Affair, November 14th, 2015 | Kreg Palko

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