We want to compile all your favorite memories and stories of Kreg. Please share a favorite memory or story here in the comments.
We want to compile all your favorite memories and stories of Kreg. Please share a favorite memory or story here in the comments.
Dear Elizabeth and Family,
I am sorry it has taken me this long to send my condolences. I really didn’t know how to put into words how I feel. I think the best thing I can say is I am thinking and praying for you all. No one can understand why Kreg and you had to endure this painful road. Why is life so unfair to those that are such beautiful kindhearted people? The only thing I can think of is the lord has placed very special people here for others to learn from and emulate. All of you have walked the ALS path with so much grace and strength. Please stay strong and continue to celebrate Kreg and all of his achievements. He has left a legacy of a beautiful family, has touched so many with his strength and taught us all so much. I will always remember the fun times we had as children. Sending love and hugs to my Godparents Barb and Andy and of course hugs to you Keven also. Life has sent us in different directions but we do share those fun memories from our childhood.
Laura Houmes and Family
I’ll never forget the day at Southern New England Surgery Center when we were just starting to get busy. We needed more beds, more help, and everyone was doing things that, let’s just say were not in their job description. Kreg took off his suit coat, put on rubber gloves and went to work, cleaning stretchers (beds) and picking up a mop if it was needed. It was a gift for me and others to see him right along with us in the “trenches” so to speak. He approached it all with humor and kindness… a vision that I will never forget. His spirit and leadership has followed him and we have been able to care for and help many others over the last ten years. Thank you, Kreg! Michelle Free, RN
I had the honor to know and play AF football with Kreg. He was always kind and generous with my class (1991) and I recall several noteworthy examples that displayed his genuine character and spirit. I am filled with an indescribable sense of joy and brotherhood when I reminisce about #41. His impact on AFA is unspeakable and we share today’s sorrow but look forward to one day rejoining our friend beyond the Blue!
Many blessings!
Lane Beene
AFA 1991
Andy and Barb,
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family through this terrible time. I cannot imagine the pain in your hearts to loose such a fine son. Both of you have raised a tremendous family. I remember how proud of your fighter pilots you were. Both of you are wonderful people and have brought love, strength, and humility to all of your children. God will see you through this and gradually take some of the pain away. God’s Blessing to you and family.
Nick Mancinelli
The world’s a better place for having Kreg and his family in it. Our thoughts and prayers are with the entire Palko family.
We remember the joint inspection of our lawns. Kreg was proud of his healthy lawn and complimentary of his neighbors as well.
I met Kreg at the Concord athletic club in San Antonio. We became friends and Kreg almost immediately started to give me a hard time and kid around with me as guys do. It did not surprise me to learn that Kreg was an ace fighter jockey and avid thrill seeker. I think the only thing he loved more than doing outdoor things was his precious family. I fondly remember Kreg’s patience and understanding as I mourned the death of my best friend and older brother who was a marine aviator killed in an F-4 while on maneuvers. As a pilot, Kreg understood the inherent risks associated with the calling and was able to help me process the sadness and the event itself. Although Kreg and his family moved away from San Antonio, I still considered him a good friend and will miss him greatly. My thoughts and prayers are with Elizabeth, Gabby and Kyle.
Keary Castleberry
My condolences to you Elizabeth, Kyle and Gabby
Your Love and Care for Kreg was nothing short of amazing
I enjoyed many fishing outings in the Bay and Block Island with Kreg, Lorenzo and Eric. His favorite spot was just off of Patience Island.
My prayers are with you.
God Bless the Palko’s! Very sad to hear about Kreg. We love you!
Palko Family,
We have just learned about Kreg’s illness and your long struggle with this terrible disease because Andie saw Gabby’s FB post. Last night I read your entire journal and was overwhelmed by your family’s strength and commitment to helping bring awareness to ALS. I am actually on my way to visit with a friend that was recently diagnosed and this has help me to understand the journey her family is about to take.
Well it’s been over a decade since we have seen you, but everytime we walk by your old house you guys are in our thoughts and memories. You were a vibrant part of our Harrison group and you left a hole when you left. Our memories are all good….grilled oysters and beer, sitting on the deck, watching the kids play outside, and just sharing daily life and parenting stories. We laugh about the day you left and the piano fiasco! Your family was always kind and helpful with any of the activities going on the street. Gabby and Kyle were always so sweet to include Andie in games as she was one of the youngest kids. That made a big impression on her.
Kreg was always so strong in his beliefs and love for his family. I particularly remember him discussing his love for you, Elizabeth, and how much you and the kids meant to him, with Brad and I many times.
As I was reading the posts last night, the dogs jumped up, ran outside, knocking a table with a large glass of ice water all over me! I had a mini ice bucket challenge, it made me laugh to wonder if Kreg is pulling pranks up in heaven.
Take good care of yourselves, I pray that you all have peace.
Mary, Brad and Andie Bartlett
Dear Elizabeth, Kyle, and Gabby
I am one of the physicians that met Kreg during the building of SNESC (I am Eric Walsh’s partner). Aside from his professionalism and expertise in making the center a success, Kreg was always there to calm me down when I became overwhelmed by the uncertainties inherent in building something new. He had infinite patience with me. He also always took an active interest in how my family was doing.
As a child, I had to process the death of my Dad from cancer when I was 11. I concluded that G-d needed him more than me and my family did because he was such a special person, and that, well, G-d’s needs trumped ours. Put another way, only the good die young.
As we say in the Jewish faith, may Kreg’s memory be for a blessing. I will say prayers for his soul and your well-being as you embark on the life-long endeavor of processing what has happened over these last 4 years.
With great sorrow and condolences,
Steve Graff
Our thoughts are with the entire Palko family today. Many memories of Kreg’s wicked fast sense of humor and his kind nature.
Kreg was an incredible person who will be missed terribly by all. I will never forget the first time I met Kreg and Elizabeth at their home in Rhode Island shortly after he was diagnosed. They served me lobster role which I had not had for years and was wonderful. That was the way Kreg was, always thinking of someone other than himself. All of you are in my prayers.
Lou Kobbs
Our thoughts are we th the Palko family as well, Kreg was one of the best friends and best people I have ever known.
The world is a sadder place with out him.
Rest easy Kreg. God has brought you home at last. My condolences to the entire family.
Taken too early by an illness that takes too much. We’re better for having known you and honored to have called you a friend. Wishing you a safe journey and a well-deserved, final rest. You gave it your all.
Thinking of you this morning, Kreg, and praying that God grants you great strength, peace and comfort. Love you brother!
Hi Kreg,
I just looked at this blog, which I found because of facebook mention discovered when purchasing tickets for a Dearborn High School class reunion. I just want to say I think it’s really cool you are publishing this and are so candid and generous with sharing some of your experiences and thoughts around ALS and the impact on you and your family. I know I didn’t know you well, but I am sorry for what you are going through. You are a really class act though and you deserve to be acknowledged as you are brave and determined, communicating the what’s so with a pretty great attitude (and humor), and educating others in the process. My warmest wishes go out to you and your family; and thank you for your service too. You have a bright spirit and a lovely family to enjoy. I know you must be very proud and feel blessed in this way. Thanks for keeping it real. Best to you,
Mary from DHS ’82
Dear Kreg, thinking and praying for you my friend…stay strong and keep up the fight!
Best, Mike Nolette
Hi Palkos’ just wanted yo know I was thinking of you recently and am happy to see Kreg is still fighting and enjoying life. As for me, it has been a rough two years. Feel free to Google me and you will see my downfall from my career. In addition, I am divorced, estranged from Aytanah, and going to court to fight for visitation for Mylah.I have been homeless, had issues with drugs and lack of employment. I have retired from government service, and continue to look for some form of employment, as the debt piles up. I suppose though, that Kreg would trade places with me, given his struggles. It is people like Kreg, who keep me grounded with my situation, and make me realize I self destructed, as opposed to Kreg, who, through not fault of his own, was stricken with this disease. I meander back and forth from Oregon, Washington and Montana. I am like a rolling stone. My father has passed, and I have lost friends and associates along the way. If there is anything I can do,I would be happy to visit and spend some time with the family, including Ms Goo,and whatever dog your family now has.
Thank you Jon for reaching out. Hugs and more hugs to you. You hold a very special place in our hearts and in our laughs. Your honesty of your struggle is felt here with us and leaves us a bit hollow, actually. We know your core and we honor that. Thank you for thinking of kreg and his daily battle. It’s people like you, with your honesty that keep us grounded and aware that every one has something to work through and over come. We aren’t different and we aren’t special- we just put it out there and try to figure it out, hoping someone else can build on our stupidity and touchdowns!!! Keep your beard up. Look to the sunshine. Hugs. Elizabeth
Hi Kreg,
I Just wanted to drop you a note to say hi and that I’m thinking of you. I miss the fun days of our youth back in the D!
Love and Prayers all around you,
Steve Walczak
Hi Kreg and family,
Thank you for this website and sharing all your experiences. I can imagine how many people will benefit from your writings! My dad passed 8 years ago from ALS. I have messaged Gabby a few times to keep in touch. Lucky for me, I was able to leave my job the last 7 months to spend priceless time with Dad and help my very tired mom. I don’t regret one second of that time with him, (even the grouchy, cranky, mean times!) . It was a gift. He finally taught me to drive that damn New Holland Tractor and cut hay on his farm. He’d watch me from bed and never criticize my work. That was rare because he was such a perfectionist:). Still to this day nothing makes me smile more than being on that tractor and talking to him! No advice here, just wanted to tell you that the courage you have shown is a gift to your family.
I’m praying for your comfort and relief from any pain. Sending much love.
Hi Kreg,
I met you briefly at the ALS association event this last week. I was there receiving the award on behalf of my buddy, Bob.
I don’t know how to contact you, but I was hoping to get a hold of you to show you what Bob’s company is working on, to see if it might be of use to you.
Best wishes!
Hi Kreg – Been thinking of you and wanted to say hello!
Sending big hugs to you and the family.
Sending prayers to all of you. What a strong beautiful family and I pray that you feel God’s touch every day. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Craig this is Cheryl and Norman think of you everyday and pray for you also and your family. God bless
Happy Birthday Fol! Our thoughts, love and prayers go out to you today and every day!!
God Bless you Kreg Palko!!
Hey, Kreg,
Just checking in again to see how you’re doing. You latest posts are very moving, especially the anniversary one. Keep up the good fight you guys and know that you are in my prayers and a lot of others.
Hey Palkos! Happy spring! Wait is it spring? Yes maybe? It’s New England, so only on the calendar right now. Waiting for some sunny spring days to come our way. Been thinking of you, so we wanted to check in to say hello!!
The Larisas
Hi Kreg!
John Golden here–you and I flew 141s in the 41st and 14th back at Charleston. After I left Charleston I lost touch with you and most of the boys and have always wondered how you were doing. I am retired now after 22 years and took a job as an Air Force civilian, and am now working at Ramstein. I got a call from a guy named Palko a few weeks ago and I said “Oh yeah? Palko? I used to fly with a guy named Kreg Palko.” Imagine my surprise when he told me he was your brother!
We had lunch the other day and he told me about the ALS. I am terribly sorry to hear that but I know you’re a fighter, and I know you’ve got a really positive attitude about it. Those are the two things I remember about you the most. Your brother has nothing but great things to say about you–you would be very proud of him.
I was also surprised to hear that you live in Barrington. My brother-in-law, John Wemple, also lives in Barrington with is family. Great guy. My family and I were just out there a few years ago visiting them at their house in Jamestown. Can’t believe I was so close.
Kreg, among the many changes in my life since we saw each other last, I am a born again Christian. I hope, in your trial, you have found the grace and love of Jesus Christ. If you want to talk to someone about it, let me know and I’ll give you a shout. He has done everything for us and he has made us promises that he will keep, if only we believe in Him and the miracle of his birth, life, death and resurrection. He makes all thing right! I’d also love to hear what you’ve been doing since 1994. Man–that was 23 years ago.
Take care Brother and keep smiling! Drop me a line when you can!
John Golden
Albersbach, Germany
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving holiday. I had to come to RI for family and was thinking of you.
hi kreg and Elizabeth I just recently learned of your struggle I always enjoyed your company and your friendship either at work at snapdragons or at second beach during the summer days I hope and pray that you continue to find the strength and courage to persevere in your battle you are in my thoughts and prayers uncle vic
Hey buddy! How are you doing?
Hope you’re doing well and looking forward to a joyful Christmas. I think of you often and want you to know how much I love you. My spirit holds you close and I want the best for you every day.
Colorado is lovely. The mountains ever so beautiful and the crisp clean air just makes it that much more special to wake up and embrace every day. I can see the Academy from my backyard deck. I often step out on it to reflect on any number of things that might be on my mind.
When I’m on my deck I often have flashbacks of our time on the hill. I smile when I think about the teams we played on, the memories we created together, and the brothers we have. I especially enjoy the thoughts of #41! I’ve always been so proud of you. I always admired you when we played. You have always been an inspiration to me. Your impact is stronger than ever!
Big HUGS from Colorado!
Have a Merry Christmas!
Love you buddy.
Get a BLUE!
Dear kreg and Elizabeth. I just became aware of your medical crisis I’ve. Always enjoyed. Being in your company either at work at snapdragons or. At second beach. In Middletown I hope and pray that you receive the courage and strength to persevere
Hi Kreg and Elizabeth!
Just checking in to let you know we’ve been thinking of you a ton. I can imagine you are in the midst of a beautiful fall season in the NE.
Cole and I traveled to Breckenridge last week for our annual fall colors trip. It was as gorgeous as ever!
Love and many hugs from Colorado,
Carla and Cole
Hello Palko clan!! Just wanted to say that I’ve been thinking about you a bunch … I’m not sure if I have great contact phone numbers for you, but I know the snail mail still works, so maybe I’ll start there … if I ever get a Boston layover, I’m coming out for a visit, so I want to be able to reach out quickly!! If you get this, please text or call: 732-674-5418 — I’m hoping you received my texts and e-mail about entering the ranks of the retired AF … Big love to all of you – congrats on Gabby and Kyle’s many achievements!!! XOX – Kas
The one thing to love and hate about Colorado is the weather. Waking up to snowfall on my graduation day from the zoo drove that point home to me. Weather be damned though, so glad you guys were able to put an aggressive plan together to get yourselves cross country, get yourselves to the graduation, and make a memory that will live with all of you for, well, forever. Congratulations to all the Palkos on all your achievements this year and for all the ways you keep on keeping on. You’re an inspiration.
Congrats from the entire Millard family! So glad that your whole family was there for the event! We need to celebrate with you-stop by next weekend when Robby is home and we will raise a glass or two!
Hi Kreg, it’s Lee Morrison from the old Park Street skateboard gang…ah, those rickety ramps & knee-high tube socks! Can you believe I still have my old skateboard? I just wanted to say that I’m praying regularly for you & your family for courage, strength, grace & a cure! I heard about your condition through a co-worker, Brian Bunton, who your Dad used to coach in Detroit. I hugely respect how you’ve made your situation with ALS so public – it’s really spreading hope & a greater knowledge of the disease & inspiring donations for research towards a cure…awesome! Lots of people are prayimg for you! Hang in there Kreg!
Hey Fol!
Is it your birthday today? If.It’s not happy birthday anyway!! I hope all is going well with you. My wife and I pray together for you every night.. I heard the theme song to ” A fist fill of dollars”and reminesed fondly of you! When are you coming home Again? Would love to see you guys soon!! Stay healthy Fol!
Love Boog
Kreg and family,
Just wanted to say you are all in my prayers and I am glad to see Kreg getting out and about. Keep up the fight. You an an inspiration to many people. Thanks for the updates.
Kreg and Family , Think of you all often and hope you all are well. I’m not sure if I ever thanked you for hiring me back in 2009 as the first new graduate nurse. The opportunity you gave me has been a blessing and I am in your debit. You are still the talk of the town at the Bay and not a day goes by that we are not thinking of you and your family. Just wanted to leave an note of thanks and send a prayer your way. With utmost sincerity and respect, Holly Huval.
Thinking of you Kreg and Elizabeth and your family as we enter 2016. Always new hope and optimism as we enter a new year. As always, my thoughts and prayers to you.
Hi Kreg, Elizabeth, Kyle and Gabby,
Loved your Christmas card-glad to see that the humor is alive and well with the Palko’s! The Millards wish you all a
happy 2016!
Hey Kreg and Elizabeth
Thinking of you all the time. Kreg I know what you mean about going to the museum and seeing your planes. I too am an old guy who flew planes that don’t fly anymore at bases that don’t exist. How did that happen already? It’s fun to see pictures of you two and beautiful Gabby. Love you guys. xoxo cam
Hi Kreg, I wanted to drop you a note to wish you a Happy Veterans Day and to say thanks for your service. I pray you are hanging in there, please give my best to your wife. Lots of love and prayers. Tamara and Kevin Perri
It’s Sheeeeeellllll,
I’ve been thinking of you and praying for you all the time Kreg and reminiscing and laughing of all the memories. Most recently, remembering Christmas, and when I got you and Kevin long johns and pistachios for a christmas present-hilarious. And when you, Kevin and David left 41 christmas trees on our lawn! I told my Dad I truly had no idea who would have done that and he said “You better call those Palko boys”. Ha! Well I hope this finds you still fighting the fight with that wonderful spirit and loving family you have. It always makes me smile when I think of that laugh of yours! I did not know about your visit to dearborn this last year or absolutely would have been there. I think of your parents and family and the wonderful friendship we had back in the day. I will keep reminiscing and praying. Hugs and Kisses, Shelly
Hi, Palkos. Missing you guys lots – we think of you always!
Hugs to you all,
deleigh, Scott, Cole and Han
Palko family, you don’t know me, and I doubt Mr. Palko would remember coaching me in football, but Kreg and Kevin made a huge impact on me. I was a freshman or sophomore swimming on the Dearborn High Swim team, and the two you walked in with your Air Force parkas. Now, Shannon was always having guys come back, but I remember thinking how cool that was that two guys from Air Force Academy were there. Please know that there is a Pioneer praying for you and your family.
I just saw the video and had to send you a note. I cant remember a frown ever crossing your face. Despite the toughness of school, football, you always had that “cool” little smile on your face. People face adversity everyday but it’s how you attack that is most important. The bible says in James 1 – Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. Keep your spirit high, joy in your heart, and your attitude positive. My wife (Kay) and I will pray for your continued progress and happiness!!
Von Cameron ’85
Kreg & Elizabeth, & Family,
It’s incredibly humbling to watch your strength and grace throughout this difficult journey. I am truly inspired by all of your accomplishments! I think about you often and keep you & your beautiful family in my prayers.
Hope & Love,
Patrice MacWilliams (Vincenti)
Kreg , you have been on my mind a lot lately I hope you are hanging tough. Kevin and I will be watching you today on TV at the football game, best of luck . As always praying for you and your family. Lots of love Tamara and Kevin Kisses
Hello Kreg and Elizabeth, Just wanted to pop in and let you know that I am still praying for Kreg and thinking about you guys. I watch the updates. My son is now a C1C, hard to believe, but it does go by fast!! Although, that must mean Gabby is a senior as well. I’m happy to see that your strength and family bond seem to be carrying all of you through these difficult times!! That’s all that matters: Family, Strength, Love & Support!!! Stay Strong and I will keep praying for you, Keep the smile on your faces and the laughs in your heart!!!, Love the Tougas’, Pauline, John, Matt and John Jr.
Hi Kreg,
I wanted to send you a note telling you I was thinking of you and your family. I was bummed that I was not able to make it to Dearborn when you came into town. I believe that was the time Holly and I were out of town celebrating our 50th. Doesn’t seem like long ago you and Dave were teasing Lori, Holly and I about our Bums as we walked down the hall atDearborn High. I am currently living in Canton with my husband and 17 year old triplets. Two boys and a girl. This year will be quite busy as they all will be seniors.
Glad to hear the stem cell surgery made progress. I will continue to pray for you and your family. Good luck on journey.
Lisa Clark Lindbloom
Kreg and Elizabeth, I can’t tell how nice it was to see you. We will keep praying for you and your family . Elizabeth you are a rock star I’m so happy I got to meet you. God Bless Love Tamara
Your courage in the face of adversity is an inspiration to me. You have a beautiful family and so many friends who love you. Keep battling one day at a time and trust in the LORD with all of your might; Christ alone can provide all that you need. I will be keeping up with your progress going forward and know that #41 will hang tough. I hope to see you when I’m your way.
Pat Evans
Hi awesome Palkos!
Glad to see your home addition in full swing…Wonderful news on the 93rd percentile breathing..Your kids are great writers; would love to see them! We miss y’all, and think about you a lot..Wish life didn’t have to be so hard on such a wonderful bunch
We love you, the Cortis
Mr. Palko!
Graduation’s tomorrow, and I was thinking about you. Know you’re a proud dad for sending one through this place. Good job.
I saw Chad in February, when he came to speak to the cadets. He talked about something, a phrase you might remember–the “Pursuit of Excellence,” a thing from our days as cadets. You and I were flag-bearers for that as cadets, huh ( 😉 ) ? Good to see him. He and I chatted about you. You’re in our thoughts and prayers.
I recently recovered a nice 562d pic of the whole squadron–CDR Cheslak, Tom Andersen, Ed O’ Callahan, Drex Kleber, etc. Good stuff. Navy Dan Rader works with me here at USAFA. 73 Captains in that unit. Fun. You and I were the stars…
Keep being a star. Know that you’re loved and prayed for.
Happy Birthday Kreg,I think about you and your family often and I am keeping you in my prayers. Keep fighting the fight. Tamara Kotelly Perri. xo
Happy Birthday Kreg!! Sending you prayers daily!!!
Hi, Kreg!
First of all, Happy Birthday! Welcome to the 50’s club.
Secondly, I want to wish you continued success with your fight. You are an inspiration to all of us and there’s no greater proof of that than in your family.
Sending you prayers and good vibes!
Have a happy birthday week, prayers out to you… Stay strong
Long time no see brother! I ran into Z in Baghdad about 7 years ago, and Matt Miller drove me there. Best of luck to you…you’re in Tricia’s and my prayers. Next time I’m in NFNY, I’ll swing by…Mom’s still living in Lewiston. Stay strong!
Steve & Tricia Mezhir
Hi Kreg,
Just a line or two to tell you we’re all in your corner. Not sure if you remember, but in the boxing workout room at The Zoo, it had a saying written on the wall that is still there today (I went to see it on our 25th last year). It says, “Tough times don’t last, tough people do.” And I know you a tough person, so you will endure and win. Please drop me an email because I want to send you some Tshirts that Coach Weichers made recently and it has that motto on it. God bless you and your family always. Keep the fight. You have many people in your corner. Sincerely, Gonzo and family, Class 89, USAFA Boxing Team (Alex Gonzalez)
Thinking of you and your family Kreg. With the warmer weather I hope you get out more. Think of you often. I hope Holly’s golf outing is a success next month. Can you let me know if you get back to Dearborn, I would like to see you again.
Happy Birthday Kreg! Think of you and your family often and hope the golf outing is a roaring success! Take care and let me know if you’ll be in Dearborn anytime soon.
Happy Birthday old man. Hope you have a great day.
Kreg, just a note to let you know we are very thrilled to hear about the progress you are making. You and your family are in our thoughts and we wish you the best. Keep fighting the fight!! ~ Joe & Paula DeSisto
Kreg, Elizabeth, Gabby and Kyle,
Just a short note to let you know we are thinking of you all! The house addition looks great, we are super excited for you.
Cole and I will continue to pray for your continued strength and a cure for ALS. Keep up the good fight Kreg!
You are in our thoughts and prayers every day.
Happy Spring!
Carla and Cole
Glad to hear you are doing well. Been thinking of you and praying for you since last summer – this place is a blessing. Take care, classmate.
Just letting you know I am thinking of you and Elizabeth and your family. Missing you!
Kreg,Gabby,Elizabeth and Kyle,
I’m glad to hear your about the amazing news about the lung volumes. That’s great news. Stay strong, keep the faith and one day at a time. Your all in my thoughts enjoy the spring.
Sue Krzyzek
Hi Kreg and Elizabeth,
Thinking of you today and catching up on your notes and updates. My last visit to Barrington was the golf tourney weekend! Busy time with so many out of town friends and family! I hope the love and caring I felt during that time is still sustaining you.
Love, Lisa Meyer (Dan and Melissa Horne’s friend too)
Kreg and family,
I was just checking up again on how things are going for you. Kreg, your January post was inspiring – that you were able to compose it as you did. The #41 jersey is also a great idea and I loved the photo bomb of Troy. I pray that God will continue to provide you and your family with his strength and courage. Continue to fight the good fight and know that we are out here praying for you and your family. – Matt and family
Palko Family,
Just checking in to see how things are going. Thinking about you always and praying for everyone.
Really loved the photo bomb with the jersey during Troy’s interview! Well done!
Love you guys and always here if you need anything.
Pulling for everyone.
Great job with your update. Proud of you and know how focused you were to get that done. Super job bro! Thanks for the note. Love your words.
Get a Blue!
Great update Gabby and Kreg (and Elizabeth)! We hope that you have some relief from your pain soon. As always, if you need us, we are a phone call away!
Hi Mr. Kreg Palko,
Hope you’re having a Happy New Year with you/yourself as well as living the good life as you continue to fight the ALS disease!
I got a lot of respect that you play Air Force Football Falcon football since a former high school teammate of mine (#76) is playing for them now and your daughter for putting up the video of you doing the ALS Ice Bucket challenge.
I was wondering do you have any family members that went to Michigan State University? I saw a picture of your daughter with her grandma
at Spartan Stadium
if so, I find it that very awesome!
Hope you recover soon! Spartan Pride!
Hi Kreg,
Wishing you and your family a blessed and Happy New Year! I happened to visit Michigan for the holidays and had lunch with Sue, Lisa and Mariam. I apologize I have not reached out to you prior although I do not use Facebook very often and did not realize you had ALS. I’m not sure if you knew that my Father died of ALS at 69. As a result both my Sister Jody who still resides in Michigan got involved with the ALS Association. I also served on the Board of Directors for the Tampa Bay ALS Association and served as our Advocacy Chair for many years. The one thing I wish to share with you is never give up hope. We will find a treatment or cure; it’s only a matter of time. If you ever wish to chat please do not hesitate to call my cell at 727-218-3604. After my father passed from ALS I accepted a full time position as an Executive Director to expand the Tampa Bay Chapter to serve the entire State of Florida. I initiated and attended every single Walk to Defeat ALS in the State of Florida. I so enjoyed the walk we had in Jupiter as I got to hang with Slenny. I could go on forever as ALS is something very dear to our family. I say that because I try to look at the positive in everything negative. The people such as yourself who are diagnosed with ALS are very special and have a strong message to share with others. I end my note with a poem that I wrote for you and your family titled Hope:
Have faith and hope that a treatment and cure will be discovered in your lifetime
Optimistic to look forward to each and every day no matter what comes your way
Play each day as if it may be your last day
Eternity is forever as you will always be in our hearts!
Beautiful Palko Family,
I’m thinking of you all this Christmas season and sending warm thoughts and powerful prayers your way.
Enjoy your time together.
Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas, Palkos! We love and miss you! Deleigh, Scott, Cole and Hannah
Last time we met up was in the Denver Airport about 4 or 5 years ago. It was great to see you. You and your brother were always so competitive and tough at football. It was an honor to step on the field with you. I’ve been thinking about you for several months now, ever since I got the invite to sign your jersey, what an honor. Just want you and your beautiful family to know how much I respect and admire you. All the very best and keep the faith. Our prayers and thoughts are with you brother.
Terry Maki
Kreg, I think about you and your family often and hope and pray that you all are hanging in there. Merry Christmas and have a Blessed New Year ,Love Tamara Kotelly Perri
Hi Kreg, I found this website from another High School freind Coached by your dad.. I meet you when you and your brother came and swam at Western when your dad coached me. I was shocked to hear of your battle with ALS, Life brings us all new challenges..I just recovered from my battle with Lymphoma,..I went through 2 rounds of Chemo, and fought everyday.. a quote from your Dad gave me the courage to fight. he said to me one time “you dont beat no one until, you can Beat yourself!” with that I’ve always tried to better my self.. I wish and pray for you to continue your path to a better life. Tell your Dad & Family I said Hello.. take Care Bobby
Hi….My name is Charlotte. My husband has als. He was a football player in Michigan at Garden City West. in 1973. We have been together since 1969 ninth grade. We found out he has als 12/27/13. We were accepted to the same clinical l trial has Gregg. but at Uof M . His surgery was June 25 2014. I would love to talk to you. Charlotte 734 776 1617.
Ever since I was a kid watching him on the football field , Kreg has always been a role model for me and someone who I can look up to. That statement is even more true today. Best wishes and much love to the entire Palko family. I hope to see you guys soon!
Thank you Kreg for your service! Your flag was so uplifting to see driving down the road today! Happy Veterans’ Day!
I hope my extended Palko family is well! I miss you all and am so sorry we cannot be together more often! Love and miss you all!
Lesley and the Switzer boys
Kreg and Elizabeth,
John and I just wanted to let you know that we were thinking about you today and admiring your incredible love for each other and strength. Please know that you are always in our prayers.
The love shown here is amazing…it’s so apparent even though we have never met. What inspiration you give. Through all this sadness, and hardship – each one of you inspires others. You’re touching and changing lives through your struggle. And I’m so very sorry you have to endure this. Please know we think of you, pray for you, love you from a distance. And the cure is coming. Stay strong OXOXO much love to all of you, Megan
MUCH PRAYER for you and your family. STRENGTH! POWER! TRUST! BELIEVE. REMEMBER YOU though you likely don’t remember me. Sending LOVE and HUGS. USAFA and USAFA PREPPY…THOMAS RILEY. YOU ARE STRENGTH!!!
Kreg & Elizabeth,
It was so nice to see you both at East Bay the other night. Everyone had a great time. Thank you for continuing to keep us all included in your journey. You continue to amaze us and make us proud every day. We look forward to our next gathering and we are open to any suggestions that you have. Please have fun for all of us tonight at your concert! Love to you both.
It’s been ages, since I last saw you! You probably don’t even remember me! Barb and Andy are my Godparents, so occasionally we spent time at your parents or you guys at our place in Canton.I saw the video of you and you’re daughter and it proved without a doubt that if there is a family that is going to make a difference it’s the Palkos! You’re walking and therapy videos prove that! MGH is a great hospital system, they take of our Sam better then anyone else we have gone to! We will keep you in our prayers and the boys and I will take the challenge and donate in your name. All our love to you and the Palko family!
Thinking of you Kreg and Elizabeth and the kids every day. Every day I’m at the surgicenter they also keep me up to date. Love how your video went viral, Kreg. That’s the Palko family way-making a difference and inspiring others! Love, Durga
Dear Kreg & Elizabeth,
I don’t know if you remember but Tom and I met you last Sept at the Detroit walk. Rohde’s Rebels was across from your team. I was reading all your blogs and sat here thinking how inspirational they all are. Sadly after that walk Tom continued to get weaker and passed away this past February. I continue to fight the fight with my annual fundraising events along with the annual ALS Walk. Tom so wanted to have such publicity to earn funds for this cause. Anyway reading all your blogs, looking at those happy faces makes me smile. I will continue to pray for those still fighting, for you and your family, and hope someday you will see a cure in your furture. Wishing you all the best. I subscribed to your news feed and look forward to reading your updates.
Sincerely, Debra Rohde
Hi Kreg & Family!
Just want to say how incredible you & your family are! The photos of your adventures, youth & family are unbelievable!
Being in the medical field, I understand your struggles but see true strength and positivity all around!! My thoughts are with you all,
as well as most of Dearborn and beyond! I have pledged $100 for each ice bucket challenge i get!!! So far I’m at 5
Anne from way back at DuVall Elementary!!
Hi Palkos! I have spent all morning perusing your website and it sure made me miss y’all. I also watched your speech and felt like I had been there myself. (We were in Brazil, otherwise we would have been there.) You all have shown such courage and spirit in the face of adversity and are an inspiration to all those fighting any type of personal battle. We will be sending a donation soon and posting your video and website when we do our ice bucket challenge. (Enjoyed watching that, by the way!) Sending our love and prayers,
Warm greetings from my family here in Egypt,
The ice bucket challenge has gone viral everywhere and people are getting to know what the real challenge is
Our thoughts & prayers for you guys, so please stay strong and keep a good faith
Wish to see you in person
Kreg is was great to see your still smiling face on the web this week. Your awesome, an inspiration and a great leader guiding the way for so many of us, just like you were we were 18 and starting the whole AF adventure. Best wishes to you and your family, you make a great video! My response to your challenge has been sent to the Midwest Stem Cell Center at the KU Medical Center in Kansas City. I wish I could fight the fight for you! Love you brother!
I have faith that Kreg is going to be healed and I am praying that the cure is coming soon! God Bless you all
Thx for your video. I love your joy and dignity and laughter and love through the toughest of circumstances. My family took the challenge, donated and reposted your video.
I am so proud of how strong you are (even though I don’t personally know you). I don’t personally know what it is like to have a parent who is suffering, but my older sister has been chronically ill for about 5 years now, and it has been a really hard journey. I know what it is like to see a loved one suffer. Remember, God is your strength and He loves your father and your entire family. He will help you get through it. I am so glad that more and more people are becoming aware of ALS. Keep on staying positive! You are truly an inspiration. Your dad and your family are in my prayers.
Dear Palko Family, What a wonderful blog and website you’ve dedicated to your family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Hi Kreg and the Palko Family,
Although I was nominated by my cousin, it was your story and video that provided the motivation for me to take part in the challenge, which I dedicate to you. I remember your exploits as a Fighting Falcon, and I just wanted you to know I’m sending my best wishes, and a few donations, your way through your personal fundraising link and the ALSA. Keep up the great work, and all the best to you and the family!
Kindest regards,
Paul Adams USAFA ’87
I’m a stranger to you, but want to thank you for the video and article you posted. I was 19 and in college when my father died of cancer, and was 40 when I lost my mother to ALS (4 years ago), so I very much connected to what you wrote on many levels. I felt like nobody understood what I was going through with my dad, and basically just completely shut it off. Only those of us in the know truly appreciate how horrible ALS is, and how amazing the response has been. Good luck to you and your family.
That was the only ice bucket challenge I have seen worth watching. Thank you for the smiles and inspiration. You are wonderful and I will continuously send my thoughts and prayers to you and your family. Keep your head up warrior and never stop fighting!
Peace and abundant blessings,
jai Moi
Check out http://www.ericiswinning.com !! Prayers for your family as you all go through this trying time!
I just watched your ALS Ice bucket challenge. I also took the challenge! I just wanted to say that I am thinking of you guys and praying they find a cure. Thank you for showing the world what we are dumping buckets of ice water on our heads for. Stay positive!
Hi, thank you so much for the video you uploaded! It has really touched my heart and opened my eyes! :’) I am so thankful for men like you Mr. Kreg who serve our nation and dedicate their lives to others. I am a sophomore nursing major at Pensacola Christian Academy and am praying that the Lord will allow me to serve others with my life as men like you do very day!
you are in my prayers!
I can upon your site as a result of watching you take part in the ALS ice bucket challenge… I just want to say that I am praying for you guys continuously from here on out and you will always be on my mind!… What an awesome family and I know you all will get through this!
Wishing you and your family all the best with fighting this disease. Nothing’s impossible if you believe. Hope you make every day a great one!
Dear Palko Family,
I came across your story via Facebook. I have watched your video and read your stories. I cannot imagine the pain that you experience going through this horrible ordeal. I currently suffer from a completely un-related condition called Interstitial Cystitis. On my worst days, I think to myself, “why me?” I often think is this what my life will be? Will I always be in pain? But, then I learn about ALS. Mind you, I never knew what it was before the Ice Bucket Challenge. Learning of your pain, actually puts my mind at ease. I know that sounds selfish and insensitive to say, but it is a constant reminder that there are far worse things that people experience every day. I do pray and hope that one day in the near future a cure can be found. With the amount of money being raised, maybe they will at the very least come up with a medication that can prolong Kreg’s life. I hope that your minds are put at ease, knowing how many people are here now to support you, understand you, and be there with you in spirit at times of need.
Take care and be strong,
Jennifer Kravitz
Just sending a message from Chicago I hope it makes it to you! You sir are an amazing person and thank you for serving our country. I would say I wish you the best with all your future goals but from what I see you are a fighter and you conquer those goals with ease. It’s people like you in the world that make our country the best place on the earth and I wouldn’t have it any other way, cheers.
I watched your ice bucket challenge, and I have to say Gabby, that you are one AWESOME young lady!!!! My heart goes out to you, your daddy and your family. I lost my daddy to ALS in 2001, I also lost my momma to ALS in 2002, she passed 51 weeks after my daddy. I am so glad that strides are being made to fight this horrible disease. I know the heartbreak that is causes. KEEP STRONG!!!! give your daddy a hug from me, and your momma too!!! I am following ya’ll on FB.
Do you know that it’s been 75 years this June that Lou Gehrig was diagnosed with ALS? (it was on his 36th birthday) He died two years after his diagnosis. It appears that things haven’t changed much in 75 years relative to this devastating disease. I hope and pray that the therapies that your are receiving will be successful and represent the cure that so many have waited for. God bless you and your family in your continued fight for a restored body.
your ice-bucket challenge video got me here … as an Army brat, ovarian cancer survivor, from Boston, who is not supposed to be here today … your story & the clearly unbridled love from your daughter, brought tears to my eyes … and $s from my PayPal account … thoughts are with you and your family as you take on this challenge …
I don’t know you all personally but was led here via social media. Read through some of your posts and just wanted to take a moment to say that what you’re doing is truly amazing and inspiring. I’m referring to Kreg for showing strength while battling ALS, Gabby for sharing experiences and raising awareness, and your family overall for facing this head on with a positive and hopeful attitude. I admire you all – best of luck.
Praying that The Lord can work a miracle in your body Kreg. I pride myself on being a “Daddy’s Girl”, I couldn’t imagine mentally & emotionally what it’d be like without my Daddy, even at almost 30 now. God bless having such a kick ass daughter to do the ice bucket challenge… Made my heart so happy! Praying for you & your family.
God bless
So many servicemen have als. there are suspected links now from immunizations and antibiotics, to other environmental poisons and pollution. It is more than dreadful that strong folks with every reason to live full and happy lives until old age are robbed of everything. I am sorry for you and your family to have to suffer this all terrible thing. Hope lives strong that research and experimental therapies can help or cure this condition. I took levaquin, which is a fluoroquinolone antibiotic and it did unreal things to me. research as pointed to this type of drug such as cipro, any floxins, levaquin…. fluroquinolone antibiotics, to affect cells in such a way that it “causes” ALS. A friend’s husband has a very fast progressing type which started immediately after a flu shot. Destroyed him completely, it leaves his wife searching for answers. I had a doctor suggest it and since then have been finding more and more people with it. I stopped accepting answers from the doctors after that. It is a worse diagnosis than cancer because with cancer there is treatment available and more hope. ALS does not have to be hopeless. So long as there are people making it understood to others and as long as there are clinical studies and research…. HOPE LIVES. God bless you and your family.
We lost my uncle Andy Mitchel to ALS on Oct 1 2012. He gave one hell of a fight fighting to the very end. I know as many who have family with this dreaded disease that there is no cur. I wanted to leave a not and tell you to keep on fighting and never give up hope. I am now reminded daily of the struggles of people like yourself and my uncle die to the ice water challenge and I am grateful that this campaign which may seem silly to some is raising awareness. To your family I would like to commend you on you for all of your hard work I know that this is something that is not just a fight for Kreg but for you all as well. I will continue to pray for the many doctor researchers and many other trying to find a cure as well as you all. Remember to never give up hope never let this get you down and always Let Your Soul Shine
Cory Mitchell
You inspired our class on and off the field at the Academy with your grit and tenacity and you inspire us even more now, brother. Know that you, Elizabeth and your family are in our daily prayers. Keep fighting and keep inspiring those whom you touch
God Bless,
David Smith Family
(’88 Best to Date)
I saw the ice bucket challenge on foxnews and I truly hope you win this battle and hope everything goes well with the stem cell transplant. Thank you for your service with the Air force and from a future Airman to a distinguished I know you will fly fight & win.
With regards
Kreg and Family,
Wishing you the very best and thinking about you and your family more often than you might think. With all the love and support pouring in, you have to be in good spirits. I was challenged by the ALS Rocky Mountain Chapter yesterday and my daughter and I both took the challenge this evening. We each nominated three of our friends and family to take the challenge and make a donation. We admire your courage, you are an inspiration to us all. You must be proud of Gabby, she’s doing a great job. Wishing Kyle great success and warm wishes to Elizabeth too. Much Love from our family to yours.
The Collamati’s
Palko Family,
I heard about your story on facebook through Gabby and Kreg’s ice bucket challenge. I was very moved by the video and I immediately reached out to Gabby. I lost my father to ALS this past year and it’s been a very tough deal. I feel like I really do know what all of you are going through and I just wanted to say I’m pulling for yall. You have an amazing family Kreg! Keep fighting!
Love you your ice bucket challenge Kreg and daughter! This campaign blows my mind. I lost my dad to ALS in 2006, two years after diagnosis. Those two years were a lonely time for our family as it seemed nothing good be done for my dad, we had to just sit back and let the disease take its course. No one talked about ALS, we even struggled to find doctors in his area (Chico, Ca) who could care for him after he could no longer travel to the ALS clinics in SF. For the first time in years I have HOPE that this disease will have an end!!!
To Kreg & family,
I am very inspired by your story, your blog post “Why it Matters”, and your ALS video. You are an inspiration for the many individuals who share the same experience, and those who face other challenges in life. It is amazing to me that your story can touch the lives of so many people. My message to you is when times get tough, remember how strong you truly are and be courageous enough to keep fighting on. Try to find positives in the darkest situations, and try to stay motivated even when feeling down. God bless!
Sending our positive thoughts and prayers to you all during this difficult part of your lives. What you are doing to raise awareness is not only brave but amazing. Good luck and we are all rooting for you!
McCormick Family
I enjoyed reading about you. I have ALS since 11/2012 and I am really interested in your stem cell therapy and if it works. At 64 I am
still here thru the good grace of the Lord. I would love to live longer, but healthy.
Thank You
It isn’t a lot to give but if everyone continues to give a little than one day we can cure this terrible disease. Prayers and thoughts for a full recovery!
Hey Kreg,
I was surfing the web when I came across the, now popular, Ice Bucket Challenge and recognized you immediately!!! We played together at the Academy. It’s a small world for sure. I know you’ve heard this many times before, but stay strong and I’m so very proud of you. As Coach DeBerry would say, 99 times out of 10 it’s a slice of pie.
Love ya,
I’m sure you are overwhelmed with the outpouring of support after your proud and wonderfully touching ice bucket challenge video went viral. I also know I am not alone in wanting to send a little help your way as my ice bucket challenge donation. Please update the paypal link or simply provide an email address that can be used on paypal for that purpose. Thank you for sharing your story, for raising awareness and for giving our family a small peek into the lives of the Palkos: a family with a seemingly insurmountable challenge that is handling it with grace and humor.
I’m reading your blog and crying. Two years ago my father in law passed away from ALS. I was living with him and the family, and watching him deteriorate and me not be able to do anything was one of the most difficult things I’ve done, but it was harder to watch my boyfriend shut it out, or my mother in law crying and crying.
Rob had a beautiful spirit and philosophy about life and death and his final message was just one of love. Love is the most important, and his only regret was that he had not expressed love enough.
You seem like you and your father have similar outlooks on life, and I hope the stem cells help. Sending positive thoughts from Delaware
Upon reading this blog, no words can explain or account for how much I have been encouraged and strengthened. Particularly to Kreg’s daughter, girl, rock on, you are a fighter and such a strong, beautiful girl. As I am a teenager as well, I could never imagine my family being placed in the same situation, and would be devastated to hear that my father or mother has been struck with any disease. Wow…even typing this, I’m running out of words to say because short phrases could never measure up to the grief and pain that lies in my heart, as it does for yours. Keep looking towards that light at the end of the tunnel- with God’s faithfulness, mercy, and love on your dad, I’m sure He’ll make the most of whatever happens. Relax, let God take the reigns, and place Your trust and faith in Him alone! With this being said, I am truly praying for your family, and pray that Kreg would encounter peace and healing ASAP. May God bring a peace and joy that is not solely found in reduction of pain or physical mending, but in Him and Him alone. Have written your names and situation in my journal, and will be praying EVERY night. Additionally, I attend a science/tech magnet school (TJHSST) and have officially decided to conduct research within the ALS/Lou Gehrig’s field for this summer/fall, where I will hopefully discover and be able to submit to various organizations and competitions….even with the small step, I believe that every step counts to combating this horrendous disease! Even with darkness, find light and joy in every moment, whether tears or laughter exist in it.
Stay strong, Palko family. You all are warriors!
Much love and prayers,
Suzie Bae
Dear Kreg,
Reading your daughter’s words and seeing your photos (and the ice bucket challenge) make me feel like hugging everyone I see. We are all fighting some battle (some, like you, are in the battle for very moment)… I just want you to know how much you and your family are thought of and prayed for (even by people you never see).
Much love,
Hi Palko Family !!! This is a shout out for Long Island NY !! My son Rob Gregory has been on Face book calling out all his friend it is spreading like wild fire !! We are so honored to be able to make a small difference in letting others know about ALS. I watched you video and you must be so proud of you beautiful family. Our thoughts and prayers are being sent to you from your friends on Long Island !!! Take care , Rose Wood
Hello Kreg and family –
Bravo and Kudos to you for turning such a difficult situation into an opportunity to promote for a cure. I had the unfortunate experience of seeing the debilitating effects of the disease when we were doolies at the Zoo. A good friend of mine was a plebe at the Naval Academy when her mother was diagnosed with ALS. When we were both home for Christmas break that year, I visited her and her family. It was horrifying what this disease did to her poor mother’s body. She had to watch her mother die that Christmas. I am praying for you and your entire family, that a cure is found and that the medical advances make this journey as painless as possible for you. You were always strong – stay strong. Hugs and prayers to all of you.
Kreg and family. I knew you way back when in Dearborn trough my sister Julie. Unfortunately she lost her battle to luekemia a few years ago. I’m so impressed with what you have done for ALS your truly inspirational. I also loved the video you and your daughter did. I love Mass General I live 30 minutes south and had life saving brainstem surgery there. Before my surgery I was an Rn and had many patients with ALS. I’m so happy your making a difference. If there is anything we can do for you or your family let us know, prayers.
You are an incredibly strong family with great spirit! Sending a lot of love and support from Washington, DC. We’re all rooting for you!
You are an inspiring young woman. It is clear that there is a strong and brilliant family behind raising you. I am so proud to see what you have done by raising and showing the life of your father while continuing to fight for a better life for him, at the same time. I want you to know that I am here to do whatever I can to support you in in your mission. Thanks for being such a wonderful inspiration.
benedictus es
How that video touched my heart. My thoughts and prayers are with you as your dad fights his battle. Sending love to your family and best wishes – stay strong sweets.
My Dad’s Father was diagnosed with a form of ALS when I was just a child. He lost his battle November 1993. I will say a prayer for this awesome family along with positive thoughts! Stay Strong and Keep Fighting
From Lancaster County, Pa
Terri Hassel
I enjoyed your video very much. Our family’s thoughts are with your family, as we are battling ALS here as well. My father-in-law was diagnosed last October. We have formed “Gene’s Army” to fight ALS. If you have a second, would you mind sending us information about the stem cell treatment privately? As you know, we have a major battle on our hands and are looking for experimental options, and anything with some possibility of promise. My work email is grooming@aregalbeagle.com. If you can’t, I understand. Either way, we wish your dad and your entire family the best in your fight … you can see the love in your video
Now let’s keep this going and find a cure for our dads!!!!
Palko Family,
You are truly shining a bright light on love, togetherness and the spirit of family. I hope that a cure is found and you are proud of your valiant efforts and wonderful inspiration. Kreg, holding in you the highest regard and enivsioning health and happiness in your life.
Stay wonderful,
Jessica Lang and family, Marshfield, MA
5 of us took the ice-bucket challenge in your honor this morning at the YMCA…sending warm thoughts your way, as opposed to the cold water we poured on ourselves!
My prayers go out to you & your family!
Ed did the icebucket challange and we donated in your honor. We are so impressed by all that you have done for our country. Your service is appreciated – thank you! Your video is great and we hope this helps with fund raising. Good luck!! Keep up the good work of inspiring others to do good things!
Ya’ll must truly be such a close and loving family! This video was awesome. It’s amazing how much he still loves life despite his currently difficulties. Prayers and love are being sent ya’lls way.
Dear Palko Family,
While I do not know you all personally, I wanted to take a moment to say that your family will be in my thoughts and prayers for today and every other until Kreg is 100% again. Stay strong, your ice bucket challenge video was one for the ages! All my love to you and your family
Just from the video I watched of you and your father, I can see how beautiful his soul is. A lot of people let their maladies take over the best of who they are, and clearly your father is a man who fought against that and maintained his great character. He is also extremely lucky to have you as his daughter. Seeing videos of people with any kind of malady leaves my heart wrenching, but seeing your father forced a great smile upon my face. I wish for him, for your family, and all those undergoing the tragedies of ALS that research will exceed and a treatment will be found. You are a truly inspiring family.
I saw your video on Facebook. Very inspiring. I lost my dad to ALS about 10 years ago. We raise money in NJ. I pray they find a cure soon!!! Stay strong!!
No ice for me!!! I like to doante to great families like yours.
Michelle Taylor
Lawrenceville NJ
Hi Kreg, I just saw your ice bucket challenge. I was (fortunate?) enough to be nominated by a good friend and had a good time taking care of business with the kids after dinner Sunday night. Whew – brrrr! The better news is that two of the three people I nominated won’t do it and agreed to donate to the cause – yes! I am so pleased to hear that people with ALS today are trying the stem cell option. I will have to read about that. It was such a new concept and not a treatment possibility years ago when my husband’s dad, Jeff, was diagnosed with ALS. I wonder if one of the most frustrating things for you is that people think, because of your speech and movements, that you may also have an intellectual impairment. Jeff started carrying around a card that cleared things up – it said something like, “I have ALS, which affects my movement and speech. I can understand and hear everything clearly. Thanks.” It was pretty hilarious – his way of fighting back. Love it. Keep fighting. What a cool family you have. Hang tough.
Thank you for sharing your video with us! It was truly inspiring and courageous. Kreg you are a fighter I wish nothing but the best for you and your family! Thank you for touching my day and making me feel more humble.
Best wishes to you
Hi Kreg,
I saw your video with your daugher on Facebook and I would like to know if you have been tested for Lyme Disease. My Mom originally was diagnosed with ALS to find out later that she had late stage lyme disease. I would encourage you to get tested if you haven’t. Please feel free to contact me for information on the proper testing as many tests are not accurate. God bless you and your family.
Michele Miller
Central Mass Lyme Foundation
Hi Michele. That was one of the first tests that was done on my dad in the early stages. Unfortunately the treatments were not effective and Lyme was ruled out.
Hi Palko’s,
I saw your ice bucket challenge on facebook. That’s where I saw the link to this website. I browsed around and read. My heart is truly touched. My prayers go out to you Kreg and your family.
Kreg, wonderful video. Very encouraging. To all others thanks for participating. My website is an instructional and informative way to live with ALS. It may help you or others. Check it out and if you think it will help someone. Diagnosed in 2009 and still going! Go get’em Kreg, et al!
Check out rpelch57.wix.com/alsdisease
I saw the ALS ice bucket challenge your family did and thought it was something special. Best of luck to the whole family, you will be in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there! I also want to say thank you Kreg for your service to our country.
-Naval Academy Mid Class of 2016
I do not know you personally, but I saw your ALS ice water challenge video and I am truly inspired. Keep up the fight, Kreg! And Gabby, you are such a strong & absolutely gorgeous girl. If I had just an ounce of your strength, I would be set for life! My thoughts and prayers are with your family. Stay Strong!!!
I just saw your ice bucket challenge on Facebook Kreg, great job! My father was diagnosed with ALS last year at the age of 51, I just want to say keep fighting and never lose faith. I read through this entire website and you have a great support system, family definitely helps ease the pain of this horrific disease. I pray one day soon they find a disease to stop it. You and your family will be in my families thoughts and prayers.
Beacon Falls, CT
I just saw your ALS ice water challenge on Facebook and it made me tear up! I had a dear family friend pass away from ALS 5 years ago but I cannot imagine watching someone so close to you go through the same things day in and day out. Kreg is blessed to have a loving and supportive family caring for him. You guys are in my thoughts and prayers. I’m praying the stem cell transplant works!!!! God bless you.
Hi! I saw your video of the ALS icebucket challege on my facebook timeline! I wanted to say how brave your whole family is for dealing with such a disease. I was unfortunate to not get to meet my grandfather because he passed away the year I was born due to ALS. It has changed my family in many ways and I grew up learning all about it and foundations like this. My prayers go out to you and your family. Stay strong and keep fighting!
Hi Palko family! You do not know me but Gabby, I saw your amazing Ice Bucket challenge video with your Dad and it was inspiring and truly moving. To watch you both laugh together is heartwarming. I think it has been the most heartfelt and encouraging video I’ve seen from the whole movement, and I will be looking to donate when I have funds more readily available. Until then, I wish your family and father all the best of luck and may you have a bright future together
Hey guys —
First of all the video is awesome, and I’m super impressed that Kreg is still getting his “feet wet” in the festivities! As a fellow surfer, I know how devastating it must be to be away from the waves. Hoping to see you pattling out again soon.
My mother is the Director of Public Relations at Spaulding. She always tells me amazing stories of complete turn arounds, and people overcoming serious physical ailments. I know you will be one of those success stories, Kreg.
Your fight is encouraging to many, don’t ever stop. I am praying for God’s grace for you and your family.
I just wanted to write and say that I saw your video on Facebook. Thank you for posting it. I hope it goes viral. My husbands good friend has been fighting the disease for about 6 years now since diagnosis. However, within the past 18 months is when most have seen the struggle. Thank you for telling the ALS story. I can tell you are an amazing man from you video, all your photos and your brilliant daughter. Keep up the fight!! Thinking of you and your family.
Linda Dyer and Family
Falmouth, Maine
Kreg and Family,
You may or may not remember me, but I am Doug and Allison Robinson’s oldest son, Chris. They just recently visited with your Dad while on a trip to Michigan. Over the years they have done their best to keep my up to date with the happenings of the Palko families. The more recent news concerning you was a shock to say the least. I know you will fight as hard as possible and when you can’t your family will step in and fight for you.
My branch of the Robinson family is thinking about you, and sending our very best.
God Bless,
Kreg –
I just watched you partake in the ice water bucket challenge on my facebook wall. Your are INSPIRING and BRAVE. I love your spirit. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Hi –
I do not personally know anyone in this family, but I saw the video of the Ice Bucket challenge posted on social media from friends of friends and was truly touched by it. I am praying for your family!! God Bless!!
– Colin
Kreg and Elizabeth,
I’m only now catching up on things and am thrilled to hear about the stem cell results so far!! Thinking of you on a weekly basis and all thoughts are good.
Hoping to see you soon
Hola Kreg and family – been thinking of you all a lot lately (for no particular reason – just that I love ya’!). I’m sending a
belated “welcome home!” and a request … Once Kreg gets your RI lawn in order, can you please send him down to NJ to work on ours? As you all know, attention to detail was never my forte (I always left that to the USAFA grads in the AF), so there’s a lot of lawn TLC needed here!! Hope the recovery continues to move along smartly — we’re all following the posts (thank you again Elizabeth, Gabby, and Kyle!) and praying for continued success! XOXOX – Kas
Hi Kreg,
Way too long! Heard and saw you on the news. Not too shabby! Heard about your shin dig but, all the tickets were sold out. I’m wishing you strength when you need it and just keep on going. One day at a time. Nice firm hand shake. Please anything, I’m here for you buddy and your amazing family. Now, that is what life is all about. You’ve done a great job! You can see how much they adore and WANT to be there for you. As well, as friends. Don’t forget people like to be used and abused for the right cause. So, don’t hesitate! Your amazing, now keep showing us some of your amazing progress!
Sue Krzyzek
Hi Kreg. It’s good to see that you’re in recovery mode. You’re a brave man and I have my fingers crossed that the trial is 100% successful.
your mate from australia
I am thinking and praying for you everyday. Lots of love Tamara (Kotelly) Perri
Hi Kreg, Elizabeth and family,
We were blessed to join you on Friday evening for the ALS of RI event under the tent! We weren’t ready for your speech Kreg–it was amazing and so was Elizabeth. We could feel the love and respect for you and your family throughout the tent. Kris did a fantastic job too. We keep all of you in our prayers daily for strength and courage. Keep up the great work at Spaulding Kreg! You look terrific. We’re looking forward to having Beza with us later this month, but we’re not sure she’s ready for the huge 4th of July party at the beach. It’s a holy day of obligation at Chalker Beach! Andrew is looking forward to having her too. We have a few college friends who come back for the summer so we’ll make sure she meets them and has a little fun while she’s with us. We’ll txt you some pictures of Beza hanging out at the beach with us. Oh, and we’ll make sure she goes to work with Steve during the day!
Lots of love and hugs,
Kathleen, Steve & Andrew Bessette
Dear Kreg,
What an amazing wife and kids you have! You must be so proud. I will be praying for comfort and healing and
strength during your rehabilitation. Continue with all the hard work. I look forward to more updates and hearing
of your continued progress.
Love and prayers, Leslie Park (Petro)
So proud of you and your progress, Kreg! Elizabeth, you are beautiful!
I think of you all and pray for you daily.
Thank you for the updates.
Stay strong!
Carla Hunstad
Kreg & family,
I just wanted to tell you how brave you and your family are. You truly are remarkable and show us all what the true meaning of family is. Thank you for the regular updates and photos…keep them coming! I’ll keep the candle lit for you….
Lisa Ciszewski
Thanks for the detailed update, Gabby. We continue to think about Kreg and the Palko family daily, and this helps direct our prayers for continued progress on rehab and strength for all of you. I know Kreg is a fighter and his spirit is inspiring – Budd sent a video of Kreg walking and it was definitely a tearjerker. I sure wish I could be there on Friday but unfortunately I cannot. I hope you will post the speech you and Kreg worked on so those of us who can’t be there can see it. Thanks!
With love,
The Podany’s
Hello everyone,
Just checking in to see how things are going.
Thanks for all the updates through the site.
I’m proud of you all and amazed (although none of us should be) with Kreg’s progress. Get a Blue!
So happy, so joyful. Love you all for everything you’re doing together. Keep the faith and stay strong together.
The Robersons are with you.
Thinking about coming out to see #41. When’s a good time?
PS. I may have forgotten to tell you to get the weather puppy app. You can see Miss Lilly pop up when the weather’s nice! I think it’ll cost you a buck to get the yoga dogs part but hey… she’s such a super star she’s worth it! She always makes me laugh.
Hey Kreg,
Happy Belated Birthday!!
Man, you are the toughest guy I know. It’s amazing and impressive. In fact all you Palkos are amazing, impressive and inspirational. Ale, Sophie, Izzy and I think of you often and are cheering you on from afar. We send you all enormous hugs and positive stem cell vibes. Adelante!
The Borris Family
Dear Kreg,
I rowed 50,000 meters, in prayer, for your health today.
I hadn’t met you or anyone in your family, until today, but I am deeply touched by the outpouring of love shown by your wife, at the rowing event. As she thanked Gina for her work on participating and her part in organization of the event, she became a little emotional. I understand, as today I was taught important lessons in the meaning of life. After reading Gabby’s birthday post, I will take her advice and not take birthdays for granted and maybe even buy a pug. Elizabeth taught me that adversity begets resilience, which begets compassion, which begets earth-moving benevolence, which begets inspiration. At least that is the chain for the most wonderful people on God’s planet.
Jill Lancaster has such understated tenderness and kindness. She spent countless hours organizing and leading this group of rowers. Not to mention the hours spent onsite today.
Gina, in the meantime, gave up her rowing machine, to me, in the first hour. She started rowing somewhere in hour two when a machine was available. At the end of hour four, with rowers completing between 37,000-42,240 meters (full marathon distance), the rowers cheered and went home to the showers. Not Gina! She had committed and was determined to row a full marathon to support you! She rowed almost an entire hour after the 4-hour mark, to make up for her loss of time in the beginning. This athlete taught me to be generous, don’t make excuses and finish what you start, even when it means and it often does, doing it alone.
Both angels and athletes taught today’s lessons. It was a day that will be remembered forever.
Dan Horton
Thank you Dan for your kind and gracious words to and about the Palko family and for your Marathon Row!!! You get it! Challenge yourself, open your heart and live every day to the fullest. Thank you and every one at the Row!!!
I can’t wait to be back in the 426 Fitness Rowing Studio with all you fine people!
Congrats Kreg and Elizabeth on Kyle’s graduation from the US Air Force Academy! You must be bursting at the seams with pride! Hope this accomplishment spurs your continued rehab progress.
Hi Kreg and Elizabeth,
I have been thinking of you both so much, and wanted to give you time settling into SRH before bombarding you–I know the change must have been hard. But I think of you both so much and continue to send positive thoughts/prayers your way. I know you are giving those PTs a run for their money (which we all love).
Dear ones,
Thinking of you guys daily. Hope rehab is going well.
Xo, d, s, c and h
Kreg and Elizabeth, I’m so happy to have found this website. I have been praying for Kreg since last fall. He is such an inspiration to me. To hear all that your family has been through. It is amazing how resilient you all are. I will continue to pray for all of you and for continued strength for Kreg. Thank you for all you have done for the RI Parents Group. Prayers and Blessing to your family, Love, Pauline, John and John Tougas Jr
Hi Kreg & Elizabeth,
Just a note to say if you need any assistance with the dogs, running errands, cooking food anything at all please do not hesitate to call. Stay strong ! Helena and the Sheusi Family.
Kreg and the Palko family are giving us a lesson in courage, strength, and the power of postiive thinking. Our thoughts, prayers, and best wishes are with all of you, as you move along the path toward beating this challenge.
John & Helen
Thinking of Palko’s….Stay encouraged. Stay strong. Keep the faith. We love you guys!
Happy belated Birthdays wishes. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your entire family.
Happy Belated Birthday you young whipper snapper….Keep up the good work Kreg.. Positive thoughts coming from your favorite nurse and friend.
Kreg and Family
I heard about the ALS at a NEOS meeting recently and was stunned, as my best friend from childhood was also diagnosed with this last fall.
I’m sorry to hear the BMT has been rough but glad to hear that you’re coming through it. Anyone tough enough to make it through the Academy and play D1 football is tough enough to make it through this!
Prayer I’m not so good with, but good thoughts, yes. Many, many of them for you and your family.
From reading some of the other thoughts, it seems that it’s your birthday today, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Will check in later; for now, enjoy YOUR day.
Andy Gillies
Dear Kreg, Happy Birthday! We think of you often and we are praying for your continued recovery. As you know, our Laura is also facing a challenge. Miracles do happen every day and we pray they will come to you both. You know we will always remember so many good times we had in the past. We send Love and hope to you. The Licht Family
Happy Birthday, Kreg! Hope it’s a day of continued progress. Thinking of you.
The Podany’s
Hi Kreg – We’re sending lots of prayers to St. Andre’ Bessette for your speedy healing and recovery! You’re in our prayers daily, along with your beautiful family. God bless and keep up the hard work.
Happy Birthday Kreg!
Yeah!!! So happy to hear to latest report that things are getting better.
Sounds like it could be a good birthday this week. Go stem cells!!!
Hi Kreg, I just sat down to write you out a card and I had to toss in the trash. I’m so not good with words or writing (lol) , but I just want to tell you that I’m just so very sorry for all the pain you and your family are going through. We are keeping a good thought and praying very hard for you. Stay strong ! Lots of love from Dearborn ! Tamara Kotelly Perri P.S I wasn’t stuck up back in school, I was just shy. LOL I hope you are laughing.
Hope you’re continuing to feel better! Sending you thoughts and prayers as always. East bay surgery Center is fighting with you every step of the way!
Hope your dad is better.
(interested in this trial so started reading your blog)
Richard Roehl
Our thoughts and prayers are with you Kreg. I cannot imagine what this procedure entails but we so admire your courage to take on this incredible challenge. God bless you and please get well.
Our thoughts are with you more than you will ever realize. The stem cell procedure sounds like a very difficult ordeal and we really feel for you and your family. Your determination and their support is truly heroic. On this easter Sunday we are offering a special prayer for all of you. Marsie and Jeff
The extreme amounts of post op pain this past week was gnawing at us – it must be somewhat of a relief knowing the cause, that it’s been addressed and that you’re on a better road to recovery. Keep on kicking this thing in the ass the way you’ve been doing. So many of us are pulling for you.
Lotsa luv – the Rosies
“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage”. Lao Tzu
With all the love pouring into you, may you be filled with courage and strength through your recovery.
Thanks for the updates, Gabby. We are continuing to keep Kreg and your family in our thoughts and prayers, and in particular now for the pain to get under control so Kreg can keep progressing. He will fight through this – I have seen him “rise up” from adversity many times….on the football field, at the Academy and in other ways throughout his life. We have experienced those hospital stays and know that they are not easy, but keep the faith! With love from Florida.
The Podany’s
Thinking of you and your family Kreg. Hope you are feeling strong after your surgery!
Love and Prayers,
I couldnt sleep last night and just sat up for a few hours. I did some work emails, then just sat in the darkness and prayed for a bit. I prayed for you and your family as you guys are on a tough tough road for sure. I guess I just want you to know that I think you are one of the most courageous guys I know. Hang in there buddy. So many of us are pulling for you.
Fol keep getting better! were praying for you and we love you very much!!
Hello Palko Family!!!
It’s true. When someone starts insulting anybody playing sports on TV, you know that they’re feeling much better. Gary and I look forward to readying your daily posts, Gabby, so thanks for keeping us in the loop. Elizabeth, you are an inspiration to me, honestly. And Kreg, well, you my dear are simply an amazing guy! And thank God for your sense of humor!!!!! Kyle, unfortunately, the only photo I’ve seen of you was of you lying on a couch. Hey, but I’m sure you have been right there with your Mom and sister doing whatever needs to be done.
Thinking of you all with much love – Gary and Sally
Hi Gang, so happy to hear that Kreg’s pain is under better control, just so sorry to hear that you’re left with the Masters, as that’s fairly painful! Kind of a raw, overcast day here on the East Bay, but any day that’s one day closer to coming home is a great day, indeed! Fight the good fight, Kreg!
Hi Kreg, Hope and Spring fill the day today! Hoping post op day #2 is a step closer to coming home and a day that brings you less discomfort. XO
I have been thinking of you guys nonstop this week. Not only was I thinking about Kreg in the hospital, but how important a community is in times like this. There are no unsung heros when dealing with a deadly disease just family and friends desperately doing what has to be done. I’m not sure I can comprehend the tireless work Elizabeth and Kreg have been doing to make this all happen, but it’s on my mind, I not sure I can comprehend how hard it is to go to college and at the same time keep have your heart and mind back East thinking about your Mom and Dad, and worrying, but it’s on my mind. I’m not sure I can comprehend the fear Aunt Barbara and Uncle Andy have seeing there son suffer, and the tears they have shed, but it’s on my mind.
The potential of losing a love one is horrifying if you think about it too long, what I like about my family is how hard we can fight, to keep that thought out of our minds. How we do what has to be done, even if it means doing the undone, or taking a huge leap to see if we can keep one more cherished person in our crazy family. We are family (and your friends) and if you need help , or are getting tired, or need support, or need food, or need our blood sweat and tears PLEASE ask for it! We might surprise you with what we are willing to do for you.
You know Kreg if this really works you will have to deal with years of Palko drama, insensitvity, harsh words, AND the deep, quite, potent, thick, compacated love that keeps this unique family together for a long, long, long, long time.
Love and Kisses
The Floyd’s are on our way to Florida early this morning, reading your post saying a prayer for you ALL as we watch the sunrise. Kreg, Palmer says “Stay strong Kreg, we love you man.” Ellison says “you are our Uncle, and that Rules.”
my favorite comment yet 😉
Okay the Floyd’s are on our way to Florida watching the sunrise and reading the update to everyone and saying a prayer for you ALL. Kreg, Palmer says “stay strong Uncle Kreg.. We love you” Ellison says “you are our Uncle.. And that rules!”
Prayers for you and your family. Your strength and achievements are truely remarkable. May the ever loving God place is blessed healing hands upon you. Your spirit is a gracious blessing.
love to you and your family
Chris Kelly McNa
Hallelujah! Kreg, looking forward to seeing you (and your new stemmies) back in the groove. Swift recovery!
Gabby! Thanks so much for keeping us all in the loop!
Kreg, Denise and I are thinking of you and Elizabeth every minute thru the day yesterday and now! There’s an entire army of people sending good thoughts, prayers and a steady stream of healing karma vibes to your whole family. You have the most beuatiful family and everyone loves you more than anyone can express! If the pain gets too tough, just close your eyes and travel back to our surf trip and So Cal when I rocked that awesome illegal u-turn on PCH with the big 12 van to back to the shake shack. That was one delicious chocalte milkshake wasnt it brother? mmmmm.
Palko Family,
Gary and I (Tieg too but I’m sure he’ll contact you guys directly) are excited to hear of Kreg’s progress. We send our love and will keep all of you in our prayers as you navigate the recovery period together. I know I speak for the whole Bean family when I say that the love sent your way from all over the country is well deserved. We are so blessed to know all of you!!
Gabby, thanks for the updates on your Dad and I hope to be able to say “thank you” in person soon.
Sally Bean
Gabby, Words can’t describe how much it means to all of us that you & your family have kept us included in this journey. Thank you for constantly reminding us of what is really important in life. You mentioned how brave your parents are, they have obviously raised an amazing & brave daughter. You are destined for greatness. Please give your Dad a big hug from all of us at East Bay. Thank you for everything you have done to keep us informed.
Joanne Swift
Okay, everyone down here in the Lowcountry of South Carolina is praying and praising ! God is good ! We are sooooooooooo inspired by the Palko Family that is for sure ! Y’all are awesome ! Hope Kreg gets some good sleep tonight…………pain free ! Love you Guys ! Genia & Edward
Dear Kreg, Elizabeth and family,
Best wishes for a speedy recovery! Thank you for illustrating such tremendous faith and courage and for serving as symbols of hope for others touched by ALS.
Your friends at The ALS Association-Rhode Island Chapter
Hello Palkos,
The most beautiful day is happening in New England today! I am sending gobs of love and HUGE HUGE hugs to all of you, and praying each one of those millions of stem cells right into the EXACT spot they need to be! Be strong, be patient, and know that we all love you! You are such a special family!
XOXOX Bonnie
Today is the big day! Thank you for your courage and determination! Sending prayers and well wishes to all of you!
Stacy Degre
All progress comes from those who do not take the accepted view, nor accept the world as it is. And all things are possible! If we don’t have the courage to forge ahead we will never know what was possible. All love and creative energy to you, Kreg! You got this!
Dear Kreg, there is not a day that goes by that I don’t think or speak of you. I wish you the best on April 10th. Stay strong and postive. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.
My thoughts and prayers are with you my friend, stay strong.
Dear Kreg, You are in my thoughts and prayers…stay positive and be strong, my friend.
All the Best,
Mike Nolette
Dearest Palko Crew. I can’t even begin to tell you how overwhelmed with awe we are…. your perserverance to fight this and pave the way with this trial on top of losing a little bit of yourself everyday…speechless. On my bad days / weeks…and when I get “ME” taken away…I immediately think of you Kreg. Please KNOW that your journey, your fight – YOU, Elizabeth, Gabby and Kyle – your determination to make a difference through it all provides me with hope and encouragement to push in my own journey to raise awareness. You are one amazing person. Our prayers is for each obstacle you come up against, that a door will be opened to get through it. We love and miss you all dearly.
Much Love!
Hello Amazing Palko Family!
We just received your card and note today (new address). Wow- are we shocked and devastated by the news. Our hearts go out to each of you. Your family has so much love for one another and will most certainly give this the fight of your lives! We are just so sorry it is a battle you have to face at all.
Much love to you as you put one foot in front of the other, taking life day by day, I imagine. Please know that our love and thoughts are with you and we will drop everything at a second’s notice if there is ever anything you need from us.
Michelle, Jon, Aytanah, and Mylah
P.S. Jon has known one of the top neurologists in the country since he was a kid- David Drachman at UMass. He is a long-time family friend. If you ever want to connect with him, please just let us know.
Thank you all for this wonderful website!! They couldn’t have chosen a stronger person for this trial … so glad you were accepted into it, Kreg!! All of our thoughts and prayers are with you!!
Love, Kas (and Clay, Steve, and Jim!)
Hi Kreg and Elizabeth,
Just to let you as we enter the new year you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. So glad you came to the EBSC party!
Thought a lot about you and your family over the holiday season and am THRILLED to see that you’ve been selected for the stem cell procedure! Praying hard for you my friend and some positive results. Looking forward to the day when we can reconnect and enjoy some skiing, biking or hiking in the mountains together! You and family will be in my thoughts and prayers over the next few weeks. Stay strong!!
Take care!
Scott Law
Dear Kreg and Family,
Just a note to let you know I’ve been thinking of you. I pray this Christmas season brings you many warm memories and happy times together as a family.
Hugs to you all and Merry Christmas!
Thinking of the Palko family today. I have very fond memories of our “turkey bowls” in the lot across from the Palko house……clearly where Kreg developed his DB cover skills.
Thankful for your friendship and for your spirit as you face this challenge. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!!
Kreg , just a quick note to let you know the Beers family is thinking of you and your family. As I see all the notes from our classmates it brings back so many great memories. I spent the holiday weekend watching some old tapes(CDs) of our senior year at DHS, playing football , what a hoot. I told my boys about you and showed them how great of an athlete you are and told them about your determination and how hopefully that will see you through this disease. Please take care , tell your folks hi for me and tell your family we are thinking of them also.
Hola Palkos!
Just checking in. Gabby – you have gone from the cute spanish speaking little girl with the big bass across the street to something truly impressive. Your heartfelt writing and positive energy conveys so much (not to mention your fundraising!),… you are amazing . Palkos – all of us Borris clan want to let you know that we’re thinking of you often and sending abrazos from afar. We’re all on the west coast now. Ale and I in Berkeley (no not in school haha), Sophie in LA and Izzy in Portland. Too far. Keep up your incredible determination Kreg – I want to see a ski photo!! Huge, huge love from all of us.
Dear Kreg and Family,
It seems like a lifetime ago since we last saw each other. But the memories of Dearborn are there like yesterday. Going to the bleachers, pineapple bombers in Ft. Lauderdale, putting in sprinkler systems in the summer and always every autumn a 6 and 3 season. You have always been an inspiration to me and continue to be as you take on this new challenge. I am grateful for the opportunity to connect back with you after so many years. You have a beautiful family and are in my family’s prayers.
Thanks for update, Gabby. We continue to think about you all and have Kreg and your family in our prayers. Really hope we can get together this winter….maybe in the mountains! Keep loading Kreg up with Hungarian food!
Kreg, Elizabeth, Gabby and Kyle: We think of you all almost daily… Joe ran his first marathon in Chicago a few weeks ago and ran it for ALS and specifically for you-Kreg….mind, body, heart and soul. We have had 2 people very recently come into our lives who are also dealing with this very difficult disease. Both Joe and I will be getting much more involved…hopefully running and walking for ALS in and around the Philadelphia area. We just wanted you to know how your diagnosis has truly touched our lives. Keep moving forward…..all good thoughts, prayers and karma being sent your way. Much admiration and love, Val, Joe and Jacob
To Kreg and family:
It was wonderful to see the photos and thank you for sharing. Please know that my sister and I are saying prayers and hoping that this treatment will help you. You have wonderful support from family & friends and you are such a wonderful man. You have been on my mind quite alot these past months. Please keep positive. God bless The Williams Family
Dear Palko Family,
Your website is fantastic and we will look for updates as you post them. I have always loved photos as they capture memories and feelings. When I looked at your photos on the site they told a story of a creative, fun-loving, adventurous family. They depict the love and closeness your family has nurtured. Our hope is that with the prayers of your family, friends and community you can receive the best medical care, obtain the best advice and find freedom from this disease. We were made to be in community with others and it is so very obvious how loved you are in your community of people who care about you Kreg and your family.
With Much Love,
Tina & Bruce
Kreg, I just wanted to thank you for all your help. It has been a long, LONG time since BCT but I remember you and Kurt Overturf were my first Academy roommates. We all struggled during BCT but, not only did I feel like a fish out of water, I felt like I was unfamiliar with the concept of water. You and Kurt taught me all those necessary things for Academy survival like how to fold my clothes and get the bed tight, without which I might not have had the strength to make it through BCT. My hopes and prayers are with you, not just as a classmate, but as a friend who never before made it clear just how much you helped me get the right start on the rest of my life. God bless you and keep you safe, happy and well.
Mr. Palko! You’re a titan. I’m praying for you and your family. I know you’ll continue to bless those around you. Be encouraged. A verse for you:
Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.
29 He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
30 Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
31 but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
May you walk and not be faint.
Joel & Marty Witzel
Ed and I are sending lots of positive love an prayers…You are an amazing person surrounded by wonderful family and friends to help fight this challenge. 41 is a great number.!!!!! Here if you need anything!! B
Wow, the Palko family is awesome. I wish that I could have been there. I am proud to know Kyle and Gabby, two incredible young people. As a person that is also battling a horrible disease, I understand the hope we have for finding cures. God Bless your family.
Hi Kreg,
We just recently learned of your diagnosis and are praying fervently for you to get into the program at MGH in January. I am so glad to see that you have a great support system of family and friends. As I am currently working in clinical trials in NH, I know how many new studies and trials come out on a frequent basis. Hoping that one of those will benefit you soon!
I love seeing the pictures of you and your family, heard so much about your great kids while at the ENT Center and also reading the Barrington TImes. Please know that you, Elizabeth and your family are in our thoughts and prayers from NH,
Steve and Patti Bookless
I need to show Steve your Air Force football pic, he will be green with envy. Not sure he has one like that from TCU!
Hi Gabby, et al
I have met you a couple of times at neighborhood events and Patton events. I am Chris’ sister, and “Auntie Sue” to Nicky P, Drew and Colin.
I love reading your family blog, your dedication and passion to “do something” that can literally change the world in honor of your dad.
I know I would LOVE to have (buy) a #41 Air Force football jersey.
Any chance of selling those nifty Kreg Palko jerseys in the future???
If you need any help, just let me know.
I was very surprised when I heard this news. I never would have thought someone like you would get a challenge like this. I am praying for you and your family and I am certain God will be there for of all of you. I will continue to follow your progress on the site and will pass on the info to fellow grads. I look forward to hearing good news on how you are doing. – Matt Dickerson
Hey Fol! How are you feeling? Call me when you are up to it. Im excited about this treatment at the end of the year!! Im praying hard buddy!
Hi Kreg and your entire beautiful family,
Very sorry to hear your sad news, but glad to know you are surrounded by loving friends and family as you undertake yet another battle, hopefully to triumph one more time! Please know we’re out here loving and thinking of you and your loved ones, and sending you best good wishes for a long and happy future.
Dave Gaines
Kreg, Elizabeth, Gabby and Kyle,
I think of you all every day and pray each day brings renewed strength to you all. I just moved back to Colorado last month and can’t help but think of you, Kreg, every time I look at those beautiful mountains to the west and imagine you there climbing one of those peaks. You have always inspired me and will continue to do so. I will keep you all wrapped in my prayers.
Carla Hunstad
We are praying for you brother. Please remember that you are always loved and we will be here for you.
Hi Kreg, I really enjoyed seeing you and Kris M. again at our reunion 5 years ago. You were always such a good friend to everyone and just an easy going person to be around. I want you to know that everyone who knows you is thinking of you and sending you love and prayers. Keep on fighting through it all.
With love, Tracy
Kreg and Elizabeth, I think about you guys daily.
Dear sweet Family,
Thank you for your willingness to share your journey with us. We love you all so very much and are so proud of the example of courage you are to all those that will be touched by your battle. Please know that so many people are praying for you and love you all so deeply. Each of the kids pray for you at bedtime and I pray for you and each member of your family as you cross my heart during the day.
Laura, Butch, Chandler, Autumn, Jack, Hayden, Lily and Noah
Dear Kreg,
Hi there! I am so sorry to hear of this awful news. Please know that you and your beautiful family will be in our thoughts and prayers every day. God bless, Love, Joni and Scott (Sully) Sullivan
To Kreg and the Palko Family – my best thoughts and prayers are with you. Going through my own health crisis I can tell you that there are days when you think you can’t take anymore and then they throw more at you. It really sucks. I’ve learned to take comfort in family and friends and even strangers in the clinic waiting room. You’re not alone. And it’s OK to scream and cry and it’s OK to laugh too. Kreg, if you ever need a shoulder or someone to use as a punching bag you know where to find me – mbartz
Kreg, Elizabeth , the Palko family , friends and Team Kreg,thank you all for a great day. Kreg you have a great support group and so much love around you, you are fortunate beyond words. Look forward to see you soon .
Kris and Andy.
Growing up you were always an inspiration to me and I have always looked up to you, now it’s my turn to inspire. This time this indiscriminate disease chose the wrong person. You are too strong, too determined, too smart and you have more than enough passion for life to beat this. Your loving family, friends, and all the other people who’s lives you have impacted in a positive way are here for you now. I haven’t been in the water in a while but when you get better we will surf the Manhattan Beach Pier break together.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and the Palko family,
Kreg, sorry to here this news but happy to help in any way I can. You are one of my favorite people from school day memories. My thoughts are with you. Good Luck in your battle. I love you Kreg.
We are thinking of you and your family, praying for you regularly and pulling for you as you fight this terrible disease. May you be one to have breakthroughs in beating this!!! If you ever want to get away to Florida (or meet in Colorado), let us know. We would love to see you! Keep the faith, and please let us know if there is anything we can do.
Jon & Julie Podany
I wish so much you didn’t have to take this road. I know you are strong and loved and you will teach us all how to beat this.
Big, long hug
Wishing you all the strength, courage and support you will need!
My prayers and positive thoughts are with you. If anyone can beat this thing and pave the way for others to do the same it’s you. If you ever want to go crush some moguls at Vail, let me know and I will be there and I don’t think coach Mitchel will mind this time…haha. If I can help in any way please let me know buddy.
Your friend and teammate, Frank
Hey Kreg….hope you realize how many friends you have who will be sending prayers and thoughts your way…keep the faith my old friend.
So sorry to hear the news! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers!
Mr. Palko! We miss seeing you in the halls of East Bay and still don’t know how you always show up just as we sit down for the first time all day!!! Your generosity, friendship, fairness and leadership is something very few people ever get to experience in a boss and I am so very grateful for the opportunity I have had to get to know you and your amazing family. You are an incredible man and I believe your strength and passion for life will guide you through this most unfair of challenges. Please know how respected and loved you are and how much your second family at East Bay supports you. Sending you lots of prayers and wonderful thoughts!
The entire Savedes family sends our thoughts, prayers, and strength to you and your family!
I really don’t have the words to tell you how heart broken I am to hear this news. I will keep you and your lovely family in my thoughts and prayers everyday. Best wishes Tamara Kotelly-Perri
Kris Beers and Coach DeBerry said it best…”Keep the faith and keep up the fight!” I believe in you and you’re strength! You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers….EVERYDAY! I’m proud, as I’m sure countless others are, to have you as a friend. Much love and support coming your way. Hang tough!!
P.S. I think the website is great! Especially enjoyed the photo album. I’m envious of some of the things you’ve seen and done in Colorado. Beautiful family too!
Sorry to hear this news Kreg. My family will keep your family in our thoughts and prayers for a positive outcome.
Kreg and family
Just wanted you to know that you’re entire DHS family is praying for you and sending you support… You will be in my prayers daily.
God Bless
Malissa Anderson
We all miss seeing you pop into Pre and Post Op to check on us :). I hope you know that I would help you in any way I can. Just let me know what you need. (Phone calls to Boston if it would help, rides if you or your family needs them, etc.)
You have a great family and I am happy that you have such great support. Stay strong, we are all here for you.
My family will be praying for you and your family. We lost my mom to this. You will find a ton of support services to assist you.
Kreg, Elizabeth and Kids,
You are so strong! Thinking and praying for you all as you fight through this. Your an amazing person, you can do it! Prayers from Michigan, Kiki Isern
Kreg , you and your family are in my everyday thoughts and prayers . Keep your high spirits and faith as everyone have faith in you.
Kris Beers
Sending positive thoughts and prayers from my family to your family. Keep fighting (I know you will)!
Andrea, Alex and Sam
The entire Goodsel family sends our thoughts, prayers, and strength to you and your family!
Kreg, Elizabeth, Kyle and Gabby,
Thank you for sharing your difficult journey with us. Kreg thank you for giving me such a great opportunity at East Bay. I hope you know how much you are admired and respected here. Your strength and courage is limitless and I am truly grateful to have you be a part of my life.
It was great to see you, Elizabeth and meet your brother Kevin today at FFR. You had an awesome day on the Cape without any GWs! Smith gave me the low down on the waves and water. Look forward to another adventure with the BSC.
We love you both!
Gary and Sally.
Love to one of the strongest families I know!! Elizabeth, you shoveled my driveway that day…right back atcha, any way I can. Talk soon. ox
Hi kreg
Sorry about your recent problems
I know that you will beat it and win
Remember you were the best ‘white guy’ receiver for the Academy!!!!!!
Thanks for all you did to save the facility
Sorry that I had some disagreements
I have always accepted and respected your opinion
Your Friend,
Dan Wrobleski
Kreg I will keep you and your family in my prayers. I know everybody says it, but i mean it when I say “If you need ANYTHING, don’t hesitate to ask”!
Kreg and Elizabeth,
Sending hugs, love, thoughts and prayers. Please let us know if we can help in any way.
Kathleen and Jeff larsen
we’re all hitting cape cod tomorrow for more surf.
BSC+ the one remaining Pualoaie (???) surf club member.
(no pressure chris burns)
Hopefully get Kreg in the water. — Hopefully GW will not be there.
Kreg, we don’t really know each other well but this news has hurt. Have always imagined it was just a matter of time before we connected and I looked forward to that day as I’ve heard so many great things from so many of our mutual friends (Mineau, Rosie, Bud, Derick Larson, your brother Kevin (my UPT IP), and many others). Still hope that’s the case but, regardless, just wanted to let you know my family and I are rooting for you and yours from out here in DC. God Bless you, brother. Thanks for allowing all of us in your life.
Santi, Jessica, Alex (8), Jack (4), & Max (1)
Washington DC
USAFA ’88/’89
We are friends with Velma and Randy. We live in Turbeville, not too far from them. I grew up with Velma and Bertie; my mother was one of Mrs. Patricia’s best friends. We are so sorry to hear of this terrible diagnosis. You surely will be in our prayers and we will make a donation. We will continue to pray for you.
Sometimes life comes at you hard and you have to fight hard, but if I know anyone that can fight harder it’s you . Stay strong and stay positive.
Kreg and family, please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult journey. As part of your Dearborn “family”, please don’t hesitate to call on our family for support in any way needed.
Much love……John and Kelly
Great job putting up this site! My prayers for your family are for peace, understanding, faith, hope, and most of all, love. You are all a wonderful example of a tight family with the power of love.
Bob Jones.
Dear Kreg, Elizabeth, Kyle and Gabby,
As you face this challenge of strong, unknown head winds, know that George and I stand ready to help in any way needed. The Palko family is brave, courageous and resilient. Each of you is important to George and me and we want to be a part of this journey. I am filled with hope and love for all of you. Marty
Thank you for sharing with all of us as I know how difficult it is for all of you. As my big (middle) brother, you have always been the underdog that has proven you’re the best at whatever you set your mind to do. I have every faith in you that this will be another case for the story books. I love you with all of my heart. Krysten (and Addy and Olyvia)
So sorry to get the news. Thanks for informing us and we will check your web site often. I know this is difficult for Kreg and your family having lost my brother and my son-in-laws’ father to ALS. I am very pleased you are all handling things in a very positive manner – so difficult to do, but no matter what, know that we are with you all the way.
Pat (Tomallo)
All of us at PVU and GSSC are pulling for you!
Lenny Shaker
Hey Palko! We are praying for you and ALL the Palko’s! We are definitely here for YOU…you are truly blessed with all of your awesome Family and Friends!
You have our Love!
Stimy, Christy, Annie and Jonny
Kreg, Elizabeth, Kyle and Gabby,
Thanks for allowing all of us to share in this challenging health journey with you. Gabby’s beautiful message and the amazing photos say so much about Kreg’s determination not to shy away from challenges but face them head on! ALS is in for one long, tough fight with the perseverance of Kreg, the Palko family and all of his friends!
Continued daily prayers are coming your way. Love, Lynn, Richard, Emily, Kerstin, Ben and Laina
Thank you so much for sharing your journey as well as your beautiful photos. You are trailblazers! You came into Barrington wanting to make a difference and you have! Kreg thank you for being brave enough to explore options that will hopefully not only help yourself, but help others! Please know that you all are in my thoughts and prayers.
Stacy Degre
Great website. I did not know about this disease until a few weeks earlier. Lets keep fighting, be strong and support each other.
“Most men have more courage than they know of, and that a little at first is enough to begin with.” Thomas Paine, The American Crisis, 1777.
Good Day, I am friends with Caroline, Joe, Palmer and Ellison Floyd. I also have lost a friend to ALS. Your sharing your journey will help others. I wish you peace, love, and comfort. I will follow your journey in prayer, in hope, and inspiration.
Kreg, Elizabeth, Gabby &, Kyle. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful site. We can’t imagine how hard your road has been and how hard it has been to put it out there…By sharing this, you are doing more than you know. You are allowing others healing (those suffering from ALS or alike) and you are allowing family, friends, and strangers alike into your intermost struggles…empowering them, and inspiring them. We love you all so much, to the very bottom of hearts. Prayers. Hugs. Love. Joe, Caroline, Palmer, Ellison.
What a wonderful site and way to get info out there on Kreg’s condition! We are constantly keeping you in our prayers and thoughts. Miss you and hope for good news!’
Great website. The Sheusi family is here for whatever your needs may be. Especially if you need cookies in an emergency !
Kreg, we think, talk, and pray about you and Elizabeth, Peanut, and Goo everyday. We love you!
Jim, Tricia, Wyatt, and Tatum
Opening your hearts and thoughts and lives to us thru this website is one of the many reasons the Palko family is so treasured. It takes a lot of strength to let us in.
Great job on the website! We had a great weekend hanging and surfing with Kreg’s South Carolina Surf brothers (They call themselves “the Pu-Ali” which is Hawaiin for “Warrior Princesses”)… Just Kiddding! Seriously, Kreg, your friends Rob, Mike, and your brother Kevin are solid! On behalf of the Barrington Surf Club and the entire Smith family, I send out our love and support and prayers. We ALL love you brother! I don’t know a better man or a better friend. Hang tough and keep crushing those 450 lb. leg presses!
Dave Smith
Gabby – the site looks great — Jay and I attended the Charleston event over the weekend “Band together for ALS” in honor of your Dad! It was a great outdoor concert with all proceeds going to ALS research. Lots of love to you all.
The Conroy Family (shawn)
Site looks great! Love and support from Michigan!
Kreg and Elizabeth and family… WE are with you all the way !! There is no one person who is stronger both mentally and physically than Kreg!! Our money is on you Kreg!!
with all our love …. Scott and Sallie
The way you became a Champion and played so well , was that when you got knocked on your butt, you always got up and fought your butt off with a great and Positive Attitude!! You were always an inspiration and so loved and respected by your teammates cause You Worked!! Now you have another big job to do and you have a loving Family and a Band of Brothers who really love you so #41 you can handle anything. Fight, Fight, Fight and never surrender or give up!!! (ever heard in the dressing room?) that has always been the mark of a true Falcon and why you played . Play Hard, Kreg and we will Pray Hard for you and your beautiful Family! Coach D
What you are doing with this website is so positive and courageous. My thoughts and
good wishes go out to Kreg and his amazing family and friends. Keep up the fight, the
country is rooting for you.
Joan Zuerner
Hi Kreg, I just sat down to write you out a card and I had to toss in the trash. I’m so not good with words or writing (lol) , but I just want to tell you that I’m just so very sorry for all the pain you and your family are going through. We are keeping a good thought and praying very hard for you. Stay strong ! Lots of love from Dearborn ! Tamara Kotelly Perri P.S I wasn’t stuck up back in school, I was just shy. LOL I hope you are laughing.