
When we first thought up the idea of creating a website for Kreg, one of the things proposed to the Palkos was a way of accepting gifts from friends.  As all of us know, and as we’ve certainly seen through this journey, they’re proud and strong and therefore, were dead set against it.

Nevertheless, the questions persisted and people continued to ask us over and over again, “I want to give something to Kreg and Elizabeth directly, how can I do so? I want to have a fundraiser for Kreg, how do I get the proceeds to him?  I want to buy something for Kreg that will ease this time for him, please tell us how to do so.”  Still, they were hesitant.

Finally, the combination of our continued insistence that they find a way to accept your generosity coupled with the realities of this illness have brought Kreg and Elizabeth to the point of saying “thank you for your generosity, it’s not required, we’re overwhelmed by your kindness and thoughtfulness, and the last thing we want to seem is unappreciative of your heartfelt intentions.”

To ease this process for you, we’ve created this PayPal link on the website where you can deposit whatever gift you may choose directly into a special account set up for Kreg to help offset some of the costs of this course of treatment, to help create a living space for him that will allow him to stay comfortable in his own home, and to help him maintain an active lifestyle and keep him outdoors, where he belongs, as much as possible.

This donate button will also be accessible on the Fundraising page.

2 thoughts on “Gifts

  1. Gretchen Kudla

    Glad you are home! We will be in RI next week and we will plan on a visit or 2 if you are excepting visitors. Mateo has his fart machine in hand and is ready to make you laugh, he also want to play with the dogs “with the puffy eyes”
    Let us know if we can help you in any way.
    =Gretchen, Andhi and Mateo=

  2. Betty Windhom

    Just wanted to say Hello and let you know I was thinking of you!!! We will see you Friday! Betty


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